Office temperature problems and ISO14001

Are your office staff too hot or too cold?

So many offices experience temperature and air quality problems and this can often stand in the way of achieving energy reduction objectives, set as part of an ISO14001 management system. In addition, our experience is that when staff make repeated temperature complaints, they become less satisfied and less productive.

We’re able to identify the route causes, talk to affected staff and help put improvement measures into place. Often we find that the task of remedying the problem has been delegated to maintenance teams who’s skills centre around traditional maintenance rather than building physics –  where this is the case we can help you support them in a number of ways. These include:

  • Monitoring and data logging actual temperature, humidity and CO2 during the period of complaints
  • Identifying the route course of temperature issues
  • Agreeing an approach to remedy problems
  • Post improvement, we can again monitor and data log to prove success
  • Take staff feedback to assess satisfaction and communicate how the system can be used efficiency

What are the benefits?

  • Our reports identify causes as well as improvement options and can be used in conjunction with your ISO14001 Environmental Management System
  • Temperature stabilization can be a starting point for energy reduction
  • Adjustments often lead to improved indoor air quality
  • Achieving thermal comfort and better air quality creates a better environment for staff – happier staff are more productive!

Buildings can be more complicated that they might first appear and we look at your building holistically, including:

  • How the building has been constructed
  • The level of occupancy
  • Air quality
  • Air movement
  • Heating
  • Ventilation
  • Cooling

What type of specialist equipment do we use?

  • Thermal imaging
  • Air speed measurement
  • Smoke puffers for air direction
  • Temperature, humidity and CO2 dataloggers

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